About Us
"Friendly staff, great produces and high-quality, organic produce/items you won't find anywhere else on the Shore."

Ocean City Organics focuses on fresh organic produce, green living products, A2 dairy from local cows, delicious local honey and all of your supplemental needs.
Sisters Heather and Kristie, both long-time employees and natives of the area, purchased the store in June of 2021 from the owner and founder. The sister squad strives to keep the quaint mom-and-pop grocery everyone loves, while expanding areas that were in need of growth including the Herbal Apothecary.
Check out the Events page for upcoming talks, DIY Workshops and more.
Meet the Ocean City Organics Family

Hi, I’m Nancy. You can usually find me lurking in the back room of OCO diligently taking care of our produce. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 50 yrs and I LOVE my veggies!
I believe that a well-balanced life is crucial to happiness…not just healthy eating habits but also a good network of friends and family mixed with lots of nature and a strong belief system.
I’m usually at my happiest backpacking or trekking in some remote corner of the world with my son. It’s hard for me to imagine anything better…unless of course, I’m following some amazingly special Zombies around the globe…pure happiness!

Hello, I’m Bonnie. I am a blessed mom of 3 amazing daughters and an awesome grandson.
I like gardening, baking vegan treats and going to the beach.
I enjoy working with the wonderful crew at Ocean City Organics…come by and check us out!

Hello, I’m Sky! Growing up on the Eastern Shore all of my life, I quickly found the importance for supporting all things local and organic! You can usually find me cranking out desserts at a local farm-to-table restaurant named One Coastal, or beepbooping around Ocean City Organics helping customers and dancing through the day!
Being very passionate within the area of food and women’s health, I strive in the future to create a bridge between the two of them and improve the lives of women around me!
My daily motto is to find joy and pleasure in all of the mundane, life is beautiful we must stop and smell the flowers!

Hi, I’m Tracy. My journey with Ocean City Organics began as I was healing from Lyme Disease. Clean eating and healthy supplements were a huge part of my recovery. OCO not only had the goods, but their caring and professional staff helped guide me back to the land of the living. They made me feel welcome, to the point of offering me my first job after 15 years of being out of the workforce! They very graciously accommodated my physical limitations as I gently found my way. For that, I am forever grateful. Today I work as a mentor to developmentally disabled clients (one who took this picture of me!) but continue as a lifelong OCO volunteer. I see them as a loving pillar of our close-knit community and am proud to call Ocean City Organics my second home.

My name is Megan, my title is assistant vegetable coordinator. I am also known as the official cheese and wine taster.
I do enjoy a little dark chocolate from time to time.

Hi. I’m Carol Murphy. I moved from NJ to the Eastern Shore with my husband in 2000. It was our dream to live near the beach. I’ve always believed in chemical-free living and organic foods …we became regular customers at OC Organics and when my husband got lung cancer the store owners helped us find alternative treatments and supported us in so many ways; since he had to be sugar- and wheat-free. When my husband died in 2003 and my job as a drug counselor ended, I took a job at my favorite store and I’ve been working there in different capacities ever since. This store, the healthy products sold and the integrity and commitment to good health by Skip and now Kristie and Heather have nurtured me and ‘fed my soul’!! You feel like you are in a little country store surrounded by good friends. Come visit and get to know us!!!
